The Numbers

The harsh side of business is the numbers; we must make a profit.  So how much does it cost you to get a customer?  How much does a customer spend over their lifetime with you?  How much profit does a customer generate?

Uncomfortable questions, yes?  And these are just a few of the Key Performance Indicators – KPIs every company should have.

Too much internet marketing today is just blindly throwing money at the latest fad, hoping that somehow we will end up making money.  Therefore, we believe in sharing our research and even engaging in consulting research before we ask customers to start throwing money at a campaign.

The reality is, there are reliable ways to measure online things like SEO, Adwords, Facebook ads before you run them.  And yes, there is still an element of experimentation and what worked yesterday may not work today, but paying money for Google adwords that no one is searching for is a waste of money.

The other thing that is often missed in marketing discussions is everyone is not ready to buy today, so how do we find and then stay in touch with these people until they are ready to buy. Doing the fad of the day is usually a one and done experience.

What Marketing With G llc is interested in are thinks like:  “Is the campaign bringing the right traffic to the website?”, “How do we identify a target market from the numbers from campaigns?”, “How do the numbers show that one approach or wording is more effective than another?”, “What is the buying behavior of a customer, what do they need to raise their hand and say I want to know more?”

The other part of the numbers is the business of business.  Marketing With G llc wants to partner with its clients to help them get all of the numbers on the table, for instance does doubling sales really double profits, or are there other challenges that need to be a part of the marketing for leads.

Also, as part of the numbers is understanding funnels and how they work together. Often we think, I will try X and X may give little or no result, but if X was done with Y all of a sudden the results are bigger than either done alone. So part of our looking at the numbers is looking at how much effort it looks like needs to be done to get a result. And then how do we build on a success by implementing a new funnel.

And please remember most businesses are held back by the beliefs of the owners or poor inefficient business systems. We see marketing that is done on a foundation of beliefs of abundance and organized work gets results.

Can we sit down and talk about your numbers?

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